
Welcome to Bretton and District Bowls Club! We are a friendly and thriving club located on the South Bretton Playing Field, off Bretton Way. The club has been in existence since about 1984, and offers both social bowling and team play in the Peterborough Bowls League.

We always welcome anyone who might be interested in the sport. Free introductory sessions are offered,  where you will quickly pick up the basics. There is no obligation to join the club, as social bowling is offered on Monday and Friday afternoons, May – September, from 2pm for up to two hours, with plenty of opportunity for interaction with fellow-bowlers. We usually offer refreshments, too. If you would like to learn a little more, the New Bowlers page will help you. You can then get in touch with us here.

For several years now, we have hosted afternoons of Open Friendlies, so that individuals or small groups can take part in friendly matches without the need to muster a full team. The dates for the current year can be seen in the flyer on the right of this page. Details of the format can be found here. Contributions from participants form part of our annual fundraising efforts for charity.

We are grateful for the support we have received from our local ward councillors, who have helped us financially and personally, and appreciate the hard work put in by the City Council groundsmen, who maintain the playing surface in excellent condition.