Club News 2021

2020 Season

2020 saw us unable to play any league matches or have contact with other clubs. 

The absence of competition against other clubs gave members the opportunity to play more against each other, perhaps getting better acquainted in the process. The attendance at the Monday and Friday sessions and involvement in internal competitions showed that everyone was keen to play despite the restrictions. It was also evidence of the supportive nature of our membership; as we had determined that the club should be open to members only, we were delighted to recruit some ‘extra’ ones from amongst our existing social players, as well as people joining from elsewhere.

There was a good competitive spirit displayed during the Fred Walden and Lockdown competitions that were run on a series of Mondays, and plenty of members also enjoyed participating in the usual internal knock-out competitions on a Wednesday afternoon. As the customary annual trophy dinner could not be held this year, prizes were awarded on the spot, socially distanced of course. Congratulations to all winners, runners-up and those who did not make it all the way through.

We made an exception to our members only rule to host the Charity Match, which is always a highlight at the end of the season. Everyone was generous in providing raffle prizes, and we had a full set of players on every rink. The upshot of a successful afternoon’s session was that we raised £185, which we subsequently presented to the Bretton Scout Group; as they were about to embark on some renovations to their hut, they were most appreciative of our donation.

Well done and thank you to everyone for helping to make the season happen this year. We look forward to having a more normal one in 2021.

Long Jack/Short JackJohn CooperColin Hedges
First to 15Bob ClancyColin Hedges
4 Woods SinglesTerry StrattonWally Hickey
4 Woods PairsSadie Stratton + Jenny StoneAngela Turner + John Cooper
Fred Walden CupHilary LewisGeoff Houghton + David Stone
Lockdown CompetitionAngela TurnerVal Houghton + John Cooper

Mother and daughter Jacquie and Kirsty of Bretton Scout Group were presented with their cheque by club chairman Hilary Lewis